18 new members for Mobile Entertainment Forum

The Mobile Entertainment Forum (MEF), the industry’s leading trade association, today stepped up a gear in its mission to promote the development of the mobile entertainment industry by announcing 18 prominent new members from across the mobile entertainment value chain. The organisation now represents over sixty leading companies and is driving the evolution of mobile entertainment through its European headquarters in London and Americas operation in L.A. 

The new members are: Alcatel, Amplefuture, Beepscience, Buongiorno Vitaminic, Chrysalis Mobile, Cinema Electric, Clicmobile, Craze Productions, Freever, Gameloft, Infomedia, Kayak Interactive, Newbay Software, Openwave, Orange, Tira Wireless, T-Mobile, WAAT Media.

At the same time, the MEF announced its newly elected board, representing leaders from mobile operators, content developers and technology providers. Patrick Parodi, General Manager Europe of PacketVideo Network Solutions, an Alcatel company, was elected the MEF Chair and Andrew Bud, Chairman of mBlox was elected Vice-Chair. The other board members are:

Ralph Simon, MEF Americas Chair; Gilles Babinet, CEO, Musiwave; Charlie Carrington, Head of Industry Development, Vodafone Global Product & Content Services; Ted Cohen, Senior Vice President, D3 – Digital Development & Distribution, EMI Music; Lorane Poersch, CEO, KidsWebTv; Claudia Pöpperl, Head of Business Development Europe, UCP Morgen; Rann Smorodinsky, Co-founder, Cash-U; Anders Unosson, Vice President Applications & Services, Siemens.

“I’m thrilled with the calibre and range of companies and individuals joining MEF including broadcasters, record labels, application developers, media companies and mobile operators.”  says Patrick Parodi, the MEF newly-elected Chair.

 “Mobile entertainment is now a recognised, revenue-generating industry.  Over the course of the next year, I look forward to working with the new Board and growing membership to ensure a healthy growth for the industry.  Through initiatives such as such as mobile music and games charts, mobile content regulation, mobile communities and rights management, the Forum is helping the industry to address its key commercial and content issues while creating membership value.”

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