Coherent service delivery

Mobile Cohesion has received a further $6million backing from US venture capital group Accel as it develops its service provider access gateway.

Mobile Cohesion markets a product called Hydra, a service provider access gateway which an operator can use to manage the introduction and delivery of multimedia services.
Operators are faced with increasing complexity in getting services to market, Mobile Cohesion’s business development manager, Patrick Hearty, told Mobile Europe. Hydra works as a gateway to the operator network for content providers, service providers and MVNOS.
“Our cascading privilege management tool is our differentiator. It allows content providers to subcontract to others, and reduces to time to market for providers.”
Hearty said that he had encountered one UK operator which had spent four months trying to bring six content providers together. In a situation like that Hydra would manage that relationship, “reducing the bottleneck for accepting new or unknown content providers into the network,” Hearty said.
“Operators have spent a lot of money on the MMSC and peer to peer content but they are not generating a lot of revenue. So that may mean more emphasis on content to person applications, and the only way to do that is by relationships with content providers.”
What the solution is not is a digital rights management solution. It is a gateway solution that lets an operator manage the physical links between its own and partner networks. The products is included in Ericsson and IBM’s service delivery platforms. A v2 will be out later this year, and will be OMA and Parlay X Web Services compatible, Hearty said.